Benefits Executive Roundtable

Industry experts break down the latest news & trends in employee benefits, healthcare reform, regulations and compliance, designed to empower executive decisions.


Friday Oct 25, 2019

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Faith Borges, Cal-Advocates and Jim Morrison, V.P. of Legislation of the California Association of Health Underwriters, who update employers and consumers on state issues such as AB-5 (Independent Contractor Law), Surprise Billing Bills and other state legislation.

Monday Oct 21, 2019

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Ryan Day, President of HS Technologies, a reference-based pricing vendor, who shares insights and information on the option to use RBP in your health plan… Can using a percentage of Medicare Rates (Medicare-Plus) provide greater claims savings for your company?

Thursday Oct 17, 2019

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews guest Mike Ferguson, CEO of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, who gives us an insight into self-insurance… Mike talks frankly about the option to self-fund (or not), recent trends in the self-funded marketplace, legislative and regulatory actions and more!

Thursday Oct 17, 2019

Dorothy Cociu hosts an employer roundtable with large and small employers who share their thought process, decision-making tools, and ideas on cost containment in their health plans.

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